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Four Ways to Make Your AC More Efficient

A woman discussing a Lennox AC with a man.

With just a few weeks of summer left, you may be thinking about your air conditioning bills. Were they as low as they could be, or are there ways to increase your AC’s efficiency? You deserve to stay comfortable without breaking the bank, after all. Since air conditioning is one of the biggest sources of energy use, exploring ways to increase AC energy efficiency can go a long way.

Fortunately, you have lots of options for ensuring an efficient AC system. They range from investing in energy-efficient HVAC products and accessories to keeping them in peak shape with routine maintenance. With the right choices, you can make a significant dent in your monthly energy bill.

1. Increase Energy Efficiency with a Smart Thermostat

Several options for improving energy efficiency involve investing in quality products and accessories, such as a smart thermostat. Smart thermostat installation is one of the best strategies because it optimizes how you use your air conditioner. With Wi-Fi connectivity and intelligent programming, it learns to make automatic adjustments based on your daily schedule.

Another key benefit of smart thermostats is the ability to control it from anywhere with an app for your smartphone or tablet. If you’re at work or on vacation, you can still make energy-efficient cooling adjustments.

2. Invest in New or Replacement Models with High SEER Ratings

Depending on how old and efficient your current air conditioner is, replacement air conditioning installation could be one of your best options. Modern air conditioners are designed to be more energy efficient than ever. You can differentiate between different makes and models based on their SEER rating, with higher ratings offering better energy efficiency.

High-efficiency models from leading brands like Lennox can offer SEER ratings as high as 28, but make sure the model itself is still the right size for your home. Installing an air conditioner that’s more powerful than what you actually need can end up lowering your home’s energy efficiency overall.

What Is a SEER Rating?

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio measures how much energy is needed to produce an average amount of cooling across an air conditioner’s busiest season. The less energy needed to generate sufficient cooling, the higher the SEER rating will be. And when the rating meets regional standards for energy efficiency, the air conditioner is eligible for ENERGY STAR® distinction. You can look for this symbol on different models as an easy way to identify energy efficiency.

3. Insulate or Seal Your Home’s Ductwork

When considering energy-efficient HVAC, don’t forgot the ‘ventilation’ aspect of your system. Your own air ducts are one of the most common places where heating and cooling can escape. Minor inefficiencies or gaps in the ductwork can lead to reductions in your AC efficiency. Installing more insulation or sealing the ducts themselves can keep the air where it belongs.

In fact, most homes lack enough insulation, especially in unfinished spaces like the attic. If you suspect your own home doesn’t have enough insulation, you can conduct an energy audit on your home. Contact Mass Save (, and have a professional inspect your home and evaluate the energy efficiency options available.

4. Keep Your Equipment Well Maintained

New equipment won’t remain in peak condition unless you reverse some of the wear and tear it accumulates during regular use. The best way to accomplish this is with routine air conditioning maintenance, consisting of thorough cleaning and inspection services as well as general upkeep. Moving parts are tightened and lubricated while the technician looks for signs of trouble. Any problems can be resolved right then and there before they start lowering your air conditioner’s efficiency.

Whether you’re considering smart thermostat installation or staying on top of preventative maintenance, trusted professionals are always worth having in your corner. They’ll offer the best brands at the best prices and ensure a quality experience from start to finish. That’s exactly what you can expect from Aspinwall Plumbing & Heating when you need to increase AC efficiency in Quincy, MA.
